Dr. Thomas Palakkeel from Bradley University, USA gave online lecture series at JPM

As part of the Visiting Faculty Lecture Series, The Department of English organized five online lectures on Literary Criticism, New Criticism, Enlightenment, Postcolonialism, American Poetry etc. for the students of the Department of English on March 3rd, 9th, May 5th, 22nd 2021. Dr. Thomas Palakeel is the Dean Bradley University, USA. In the recent lecture Dr. Palakeel discussed the theories and movements of the 1970’s and 1980’s as well as its aftermath. Major literary theorists like Raymond Williams, F. R Leavis, Jacques Derrida, Michael Foucault and their contributions were described in detail. He concluded by examining the influence of a wide range of topics in the fields of Cold war to the culture wars.
The lecture was quite interesting as well as informative. All the students actively participated in the session.