State Level Workshop on Academic Publishing

Photo: State Level Workshop on Academic Publishing is being inaugurated by Fr.Abraham Panakulangara CST. Prof.Rosanna Davis, Resource person Mr.Jobin Jose, JPM Teacher Empowerment Cell Convenor Ms. Sreedevi Gopal, Librarian, JPM Central Library are present.
Labbakkada: A state-level workshop on academic publishing was conducted on 16th April 2021. The workshop was organized by JPM Teacher Empowerment Cell – Best Practice of IQAC. The workshop was inaugurated by Fr. Abraham Panakulangara CST, Manager JPM educational institutions.
Mr.Jobin Jose, librarian of Marian College Kuttikkaanam autonomous was the resource person. The workshop covered the pivotal areas of academic publishing like literature research, publish or perish software, UGC care list, mendeley reference management software etc. Prof. Rosanna Davis presided over the inaugural meeting. Welcome address was delivered by Ms. Akhila Treesa Cyriac and vote of thanks was extended by Ms. Theertha T librarian of JPM Central library.Ms. Sreedevi Gopal General convenor of JPM Teacher Empowerment Cell was the coordinator the workshop. 50 faculty participated in the workshop.